Growth, no BS, a Challenging & Caring Environment

My Story

Co-founder at a tech startup that did $3.000.000 in sales in 2019. Systemic Coach since 2018. Trained with one of the best Systemic Coaches in the world, Alain Cardon whom I regard as a mentor and model. I now help people transform their lives and go for their passions and dreams leaving behind blocks, problems, judgements and fears.

  • Trainer
  • Systemic Coaching & Leadership
  • Advanced Constellations, Polarities, Linguistics in Team and Group Coaching
  • Systemic Diagnosis
  • Personal and Team Risk Management Patterns and Processes

Alex Eftimie

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My Services

Executive Coaching

  • Enhanced performance
  • Greater clarity in roles and objectives
  • Improving decision-making ability
  • Greater responsibility and accountability
  • Communicate more effectively

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Life Coaching

  • Increased confidence and self awareness
  • Overcoming procrastination
  • Establish and act towards achieving goals
  • Gain more job and life satisfaction
  • Improving time management skills
  • Improving assertive communication skills

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Team Coaching

  • Greater clarity in roles and objectives
  • Work easily and productively with others
  • Increased level of engagement
  • Communicate more effectively
  • Contribute more effectively to the team

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Why should you choose me?


The Simple Truth

Some people spend their lives trying to get their affairs in order so they can then start living. Living in truth, no matter how difficult it may seem in the short term, has the almost magical property of making the impossible possible.


Focus on what matters

One can spend hours, days, or a whole lifetime going around in circles or one can focus like a laser on what is most essential and do twice the work in half the time. The choice is yours.


Weakness into Strength

If you work on your weaknesses you miss your strengths. If you work on your strengths you neglect your weaknesses. By turning your weaknesses o strengths you are multiplying your efforts.

What my clients say about me

Alex is an extraordinary guy, empathic, who positively impacts the lives of people who come into contact with him from the first 10 minutes. He is truly preoccupied by other’s well being and dedicated to helping them be happy and fulfilled.
Narcisa CCEO
Alexandru solves your problem in 8 minutes
Anca LArtist
Alex has been with me and my family for over a year. I warmly recommend him to single adults, couples, business people and children. He is a warm and good spirit that can easily approach anyone who needs support and guidance in life.
Dana RAnalyst
Alex Eftimie

Misconceptions about coaching

Coaching is the same as mentoring

A mentor shares his expertise in a field you want to grow in and a coach uses his expertise to accompany you in achieving your objectives

Coaching is like therapy

Therapy focuses on emotional and mental health, and coaching focuses on setting and achieving objectives

Coaching is telling people what to do

A coach will never tell you how to attain your outcomes. He will accompany you in finding your best ways

It’s just for people who have problems, not for
successful ones

While all people can benefit from coaching it is often the case that already successful people benefit the most from it

A coach is a glorified cheerleader / for motivation

Through coaching you set objectives that are intrinsically motivating, circumventing the need to motivate yourself

It’s very expensive

Objectives set and attained with the help of coaching are very often far more valuable to the clients getting coached than the cost of the service

Get in touch


+40 (768) 002-995

available from 10:00 – 19:00

Email [email protected]

My Story

I was Born and raised in Bucharest, Romania, except for vacations which I mostly spent with my only younger brother at our grandparents. Like many other Romanians from my generation. 

Third generation into building and fixing things. One of my grandfathers was a house builder, the other one maintained the pumps and pipes of the village water source. And my father is a plumber and electrician. 

I loosely continued the family business so to say, as in I spent the first 15 years of my career building websites and apps which are a different kind of house and also at the same time in internet networking which is just a massive collection of pipes.

In 2018 I slowly and steadily aka kicking and screaming started to distance myself from IT. Made some money on an exit. And was on the lookout for the next big thing. 

And in 2019 I finished the Metasysteme Coaching School for Managers and Leaders and started to practice coaching as a way to change paths from IT and I humorously discovered that coaching is a lot like building houses in your mind and tending to pumps and pipes in your thoughts and feelings which is basically just a fancier version of what I did in IT. 

Right now I am a Coach, a Manager and a Teacher juggling a few businesses of my own. And I spend most of my time finding creative ways to help all my clients achieve their desired outcomes. 

If you want to stay up to date with my latest news then you can sign-up to my newsletter below. I only send important updates and it really pays to be on the lists. 

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